• Welcome to CIVA

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What we Do

If you can imagine it, we can produce it.

We get up in the morning to make a difference. We aim to create little cinematic masterpieces that cause people to act, advocate, learn, support, and change. (And secretly, we like winding people up and moving them to tears.)

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Screenshots Gallery

A picture is worth a thousand words (of course).

Take a look at the screen grabs below. Just one image illustrates the design, look, style, and feel of the variety of productions we’ve done over the past two decades. For small business, national corporations and non-profits, we’ve produced training and communication, product promotion, fundraising, event videos and milestone celebrations.

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  • Angela Abdallah National Marketing Manager - Amway Canada Corporation

    «If you're looking for a creative team to bring your vision to reality, CIVA is the company to hire! »


We're all ears.

Give us a call. Run your ideas by us and we’ll run a ballpark figure by you.

Get in touch!

Office 519 433 1734
117 York St, Suite B, London Ontario, N6A 1V6

Dwight Coughlan   c 519 860 4066

Please use the form below to contact us. All fields are required